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Assange is one of the most prominent national security leakers in decades and his organization has been a crucial conduit for the dissemination of sensitive information about the NSA and its domestic surveillance programs. At the same time, Assange is wanted by London's Metropolitan Police for his role in publishing Edward Snowden's NSA revelations. Assange has been holed up in the Ecuadorian embassy London viagra online order uk since 2012 to avoid extradition efforts, and the country could theoretically bring accusations after being convinced that he was Buy tobradex online uk responsible for Snowden's actions.
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Last week, Obama spoke about Snowden's release of information through WikiLeaks. At a press conference, the president indicated that, while CIA wasn't involved with WikiLeaks, Snowden "did end up exposing some classified information."
Asked if the White House was still unhappy with Snowden, Senior State Department official Mark Toner told reporters yesterday, "we believe it's important for him to make his case the American people in a way that is accurate and transparent."
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