ADR ENGAGEMENTS (Mediations & Arbitrations)
Lawyer References: (M - Mediation; A - Arbitration) Typical of those since 1995.
NOTE: Because Mediation (and usually Arbitration) is private/confidential, names of parties are omitted.
All located in the greater Seattle area unless noted.
Abbott Davis Rothwell Mullin & Earle, P.C.: Patrick Rothwell (M)
Ahlers & Cressman: John Ahlers (M), Paul Cressman, Jr. (M), Christina G. Nelson (M), Brett M. Hill (M)
Aiken & Fine, PS: Bruce Fine (A); Jim Aiken (M)
Aiken, St. Louis & Siljeg: George S.
Martin (M) & Arthur H. McKean (A)
Albrecht, Kathleen L. (M)
Alexander, Shawn (Olga, WA): (A)
Andersen, Charles Matthew (A)
Anderson Hunter (Everett, WA): Paul D.
Balkan (A), Karl F. Hausmann (M)
Anderson & Peterson: Paul L. Anderson (M)
Angle, William K. (M)
Ater Wynne Hewitt Dodson & Skerritt: Greg
Harris (A & M), Stephen J. Kennedy (M),
John Draneas (M) & Joel R. Paisner (M)
Atty. Gen. Wash.State: Kathryn Kafka (M), Carrie Bashaw (M)
Augustine & McKenzie (Boise, ID): Curtis McKenzie (A)
Ballard Law Group: George Jay Jensen, Jr. (M)
Barokas Martin Ahlers & Tomlinson:
John P. Ahlers (A & M), Craig Holley (A & M)
Joseph J. Straus(M), Larry Barokas (M)
Dennis McGlothin (M), Hans P. Juhl (M)
Bathum, Rick (M)
Bean, Stephen (Olympia, WA) (M)
Beckett, Guy W. (M)
Belcher, Swanson, Lackey, Doran, Lewis & Robertson (Bellingham, WA):
James Doran (A)
Beles Group: Craig Beles (M)
Beresford Booth (Edmonds, WA): William Kessler (M)
Beresford, Booth & Demaray: Kristine A.
Chrey (M)
Bergman, Gibbs & Lassman: William E.
Gibbs (M)
Best & Associates: Sharon Best (M)
Bernheim, Stephen A. (M)
Berry, C. Nelson, III (A)
Betts, Patterson & Mines: William P. Fite
(M), Kathleen Dassel (M), Kenneth M.
McEwan (A), Maury Kroontje (A), Ronald Allen (A) , Michael Olver (M)
Bigsby, Thomas D. (Everett, WA): (A)
Birkholz, Frank W. (M)
Black & Yund: Stephen R. Black (M)
Bogle & Gates: Nicholas Wagner (M),
Delbert Miller (A & M), Kelly Corr (A),
John C. Theiss (M), Randall R. Steichen
(M), Clemens H. Barnes (M), Patrick M.
Madden (M) & James C. Grant (M)
Bohr, David M. (Wenatchee, WA): (A)
Bohrnsen & Stowe (Spokane):Andrew Bohrnsen (A)
Borland, Jack (M)
Bouffard, Jean M. (Kent, WA): (M & A)
Bowers Foreman (Kirkland, WA): Jeanette Bowers Weaver (M)
Boyle, Kevin M.: (M)
Bracewell Giuliani (Houston, TX): Stephen B. Crain (A), Kristin McLaurin (A)
Brandt Law Group: Michael D. Brandt (M)
Brett & Daugert (Bellingham): Gene Knapp(M)
Brookman, John (Fort Worth, TX): (A)
Brousseau, Jankovich & Ormiston: Michael
G. Jankovich (M)
Brown & Huss (Miles City, MT): George W.
Huss (M)
Brownlie & Evans (Bellingham, WA):
Murphy Evans (A)
BTA Law Group (Federal Way, WA): Jan Gossing (M), Brian Hallaq (M)
Bullivant Houser Bailey Pendergrass &
Hoffman: Robert F. Riede (M), Medora A.
Marisseau (M), Robert J. Roche (M) &
Jerret E. Sale (M), Scott Stickney (M,
Wm.Pierson,Jr. (M&A);Tony McHugh (M)
Bundy & Morrill: Howard R. Morrill (A)
Burke, Thomas G. (A)
Burkette & Burdette: Lee Burdette (M)
Byrnes & Keller, LLP: Paul Taylor (A) &
Bradley S. Keller (A)
Cairncross & Hempelmann: Thomas McBride(M)
Calmes, Joseph C. (A & M)
Campbell Bissell & Kirby (Spokane, WA): Richard Campbell (A)
Campbell, Dille, Barnett, Smith & Wiley:
Shannon Jones (A), Bryce Dille (M)
Campbell, Edward D. (M)
Camp von Kallenbach, Ltd.: Peter Camp (M)
Canorro Law Office (Olympia, WA): Cathy V. Canorro (M)
Carney Badley Smith & Spellman:
P.Douglas House (M) & David W. Bever (M), John Welch (M & A)
Cindy G. Flynn (M), Timothy Parker (A), Shawn K. Mercalde (M), John C. Dippold (A)
Carrington, Andrew (M)
Casey & Pruzan: Kenneth W. Hart (M) &
Richard Acarregui (M)
Central Valley School District: See Short Cressman (John Ahlers), Seattle,WA.
Chism, Jacobson & Johnson, P.L.L.C.:
Molly B. Kenney (M), A. Kyle Johnson (M),
LuAnne Perry (M)
City of Bellingham (Bellingham, WA): Jeff H. Capell (A)
City of Centralia (Centralia, WA):
Shannon Murphy (M)
Clark & Feeney (Lewiston, ID): Rube Junes
(A & M), Ron Blewett (A), Scott Galina (A)
Clinton Fleck: Keith C. Thomson (M),
Ervin A. DeSmet (M) & Thomas C. Rabideau
Cloud, Douglas R. (Tacoma, WA): (A)
Cody & Blanchard, P.S. (Lynnwood, WA):
George Wm. Cody (A)
Coe, Nordwall & Liebman, LLP: Brian L.
Nordwall (M)
Cogdill & Carter (Everett, WA): Todd C.
Nichols (M)
Cogdill Nichols Rein Wartelle Andrews (Everett, WA): Patrick Vail (A)
Cok, Wheat & Brown (Bozeman, MT): Michael D. Cok (M)
Cook & Bartlett: Robert M. Bartlett (M)
Cornelius, Frank (Lynwood) (M)
Cozen & O'Connor: Janice Wang (M) &
Daniel C. Theveny (M); Jack Slavik (A), John Erlick (M), Craig Bennion (M)
Cramer, Stephen D. (Federal Way, WA): (M)
Crane, Stamper, Dunham & Drury: Stephen
Crane (M) & Douglas Dunham (M)
Crowley Law Offices: William Crowley (M)
Curran, Kleweno & Johnson: David Hokit
(M) & John Ryan (A)
Curran Mendoza: Mel Kleweno (M)
Cushman Law Offices: Jon E. Cushman (M)
Cutler and Nylander, P.S.: Thomas Hayton
(M & A)
Daggy & Anagnostou, P.S. (Longview, WA):
Joseph O. Daggy (M)
David Ruzumna & Associates:
David Ruzumna (M & A)
Davies Pearson: Peter Petrich (M)
Davis Wright Tremaine: Payton Smith (M),
Howard Stambor (M), Alan Middleton (M),
Michele Radosevich (M & A), John Parnass (M), Jennifer Lenga Long (M)
Delay, Curran, Thompson & Pontarolo
(Spokane, WA): Joseph P. Delay (M)
Demco Law Firm: David Daniel (M), Lars E. Neste (M & A)
Deno Millikan Dale (Everett, WA): Joel Nichols (M)
Department of Labor & Industries: Richard
Vlosich (M)
DeSmet & Associates:
Ervin A. DeSmet, Jr. (A)
Donaldson, Alan S. (A & M)
Dore & Dore: James J. Dore (M)
Dorsey & Whitney, LLP (Seattle, WA): Greg Hendershott (M)
Dorsey & Whitney, LLP (Minneapolis, MN): Peter Sipkins (M)
Douglas Cloud: (M)
DPIC Companies (San Francisco, CA):
Michael Meheen (M);Jim Pyle (M)
Duce, Brian L. (Marysville, WA) (A)
Duncan, Freeman B. (Coeur d'Alene, ID) (A
& M)
Dunn & Black (Spokane, WA): John Black (M), Michael Bissell (M), Robert A. Dunn (A), Jason T. Piskel (A),
Durkee & Hennessey: Stephen P. Hennessey
Eisenhower & Carlson: Terrence Donahue
(M), Bradley Fresia (M), John Ruhl (M) &
Robert Baronsky (A & M)
Ellis, Brown & Shields (Boise, ID): Allen
B. Ellis (M)
Ellis, Li & McKinstry: Nancy Cahill (A) &
Ronald McKinstry (M), Kyle D. Netterfield
(A & M), Michael R. McKinstry (A)
Etter, McMahon, Lamberson & Clary (Spokane): Kevin Mickey (M)
Fallon & McKinley: R. Scott Fallon (A);
Greg Jones (A)
Farleigh Wada & Witt, PC (Portland, OR):
Farmers Insurance: John Hudkins (M)
Feyissa, Shakespear N.: (M)
Finney, Choquette & Guelich: Richard H.
Guelich (M)
Forsberg & Umlauf: Terrence J. Cullen (M)
Foster Pepper Shefelman: Daniel J.
Riviera (A & M), P. Stephen DiJulio (M & A),
Edward R. Coulson (M), Jeremy R. Larson
(M) & Jon Hongladarom (A & M), Brian D.
Buckley (A), Bradley W. Hoff (A),
W. Gregory Guedel (A & M), Marco Magnano, Jr. (M)
Francis, Peter D. (M)
Franklin, Harold H., Jr.: (A)
Freidrich, Alexander (M)
Frits Knowles & Leonardson: James W.
Frits (A)
Furrer & Scott (Tigard, OR): Thomas J.
Murphy (M)
G. Michael Pollock & Associates: G.
Michael Pollock (M)
Galloway, Bruce C. (Lake Stevens, WA) (M)
Gardner, Bond, Trabolsi, St. Louis & Clement: Raymond Bottomly (M)
Garth Dano & Associates (Moses Lake, WA):
Garth Dano (M)
Garvey, Schubert & Barer: Donald
Logerwell (A & M) & AnnaLisa Clar (M)
Gemson, Richard (M)
Gleaves Swearingen Larsen Potter Scott &
Smith (Eugene, OR): Jon Buerstatte (A)
Glenn & Hoffman: Bruce Miller (M)
Gonzaga University: General Counsel, Michael Casey (M)
Goodstein Law Group, PLLC (Tacoma, WA):
Robert Goodstein (M) & Ralph Klose (M)
Gordon & Associates (Gig Harbor, WA): Richard P. Patrick (M)
Gordon Edmunds Elder (Bellevue): Wesley Edmunds (M); Randy Gordon (M)
Gordon, Thomas, Honeywell, Malanca,
Peterson & Daheim (Seattle and Tacoma,
WA): Warren Daheim (M), Timothy N. Lang (M), Richard Creatura (A), Brian Ladenburg (M), Michelle Menely (M), Mark Honeywell (M), Joe Gordon Jr. (M), David B. Jensen (A)
Gori, Hayes (Bainbridge Island, WA) (M)
Graham & Dunn: Ben Gantt (M), James
Fowler (M), Peter S. McCormick (M) &
Arthur J. Lachman (M), Michael Fandel (M), Kelly Aldrich (M)
Granger School District: See Velakanje Law Firm, Yakima, WA.
Groff & Murphy: David C. Groff (M) &
Douglas R. Roach (M)
Guin, John H. (Spokane, WA) (M)
Hall Zanzig Widell, PLLC.: Spencer Hall,
Jr. (A)
Hall Zanzig Zulauf Claflin & McEachern: Janet McEachern (M)
Hanis Greaney (Kent, WA): Patrick Hanis (M); Michael M. Hanis (M)
Hanis Irvine Prothero (Kent, WA): Brian Hanis (M); Jamie L. Danielson (M)
Hanis & Olson (Renton, WA): Michael Hanis
Hanson Baker Ludlow Drumheller: Joshua Rosenstein (M)
Hanson Law Offices (Olympia, WA): Craig
Hanson (M)
Harris, Douglas (Bellevue, WA) (M)
Harris, Mericle, Wakayama & Mason: Malcolm S. Harris (M)
Hathaway, John (M)
Hawley Troxell: P. Craig Storti (A); Kindra L. Hansen (M);
Hecker & Feilberg (Boise, ID): Debra Feilberg (M), Jordon Hecker (M)
Hecker, Wakefield & Feilberg: Stephan Wakefield (M), Jordon Hecker (M)
Hedeen & Caditz: Bryan D. Caditz (M & A),
Arnold R. Hedeen (A)
Heller Ehrman White & McAuliffe: Jonathan
M. Palmer (M)
Helsell, Fetterman, Martin, Todd &
Hokanson: Richard S. White (M), Jerry
Thonn (M), Andrew J. Kinstler (M) & David
F. Jurca (M), Scott Collins (M), Jennifer Divine (M)
Hendricks Bennett (Edmonds, WA): Joseph Bennett (M)
Hendry, James (Everett, WA) (M)
Herman Recor Araki Kaufman Simmerly &
Jackson, PLLC (Bellevue, WA): Paul
Simmerly (M), M. Gerald Herman (A)
Hershner, Hunter, Moulton, Andrews & Neill
(Eugene, OR): William R. Turnbow (M)
Hicks, Shawn (M)
High, Mary Katherine (M)
Hight, Green & Yalowitz: Doug Green (M) &
Kenneth G. Yalowitz (A & M)
Hillis Clark Martin & Petersen: Mark S.
Clark (A), Lynne M. Cohee (M), Joseph B.
Genster (A & M),
Laurie Lootens Chyz (A & M), Mary E. Crego (M), Amit D. Ranade (M)
Hodges, Mark (A)
Holman Cahill & Garrett: Larry R. Garrett
(M) & Brian Ives (M)
Hollenbeck Lancaster & Miller (Bellevue, WA):
David P. Lancaster (M)
Home, Greg (M)
HOW Warranty Corporation/Insurance
Company: Bullivant Houser Bailey
Pendergrass & Hoffman
Hughes, Alan B. (M)
Hultman Law Office (Kirkland,WA): Eric Hultman (M)
Hunsinger & Associates: Michael Hunsinger (M)
Hurley, John T. (Olympia, WA) (M)
Idaho Atty. Gen. (Boise, ID)/Idaho Dept. of Transportation: Steven Parry (A), Joe Mallet (A), Karl Vogt (A)
Inslee, Best, Doezie & Ryder (Bellevue,
WA): Evan Inslee (A & M), Tom DeBuys
(A & M), John W. Milne (M), Joe Wishcamper (M), Peter Deming (M), Dan Lossing (A & M) & Eric C. Frimodt (M), Brett N. Wiese (M), Brian R. Paige (M), Shawna M. Lydon (M), William A. Linton (M)
Irvin, Dennis F. (M)
Jameson, Babbitt, Stites & Lombard: Alan
B. Bornstein (A & M), Henry C. Jameson
(A & M), Nancy W. Preg (A), Brad Thoreson (A & M), Scott R. Weaver (M), Sean Durbin (M)
Jeffries, T. Wade (Austin, TX), (M)
John L. Scott Real Estate: Douglas S.
Tingvall (M)
Jones: Gregory S. Petrie (M) & Jeffrey C.
Jones (M)
Jones, Bradley B. (A)
Jones, Eric: (M)
Karr Tuttle Campbell: Martin T. Crowder
(M), Sue Robinson (M), Bruce Larson (M),
Jeffrey D. Wyszynski (M), Dennis H.
Walters (A & M), Terence P. Lukens (A),
Paul Silver (M), Jacquelyn A. Beatty (M),
Barbara J. Brady (M) & Gerald Palm (A),
Robert A. Radcliffe (A), Floyd L. Newland (M), Steven D. Robinson (M)
Kasperson & Bittner: James U. Bittner (A)
Keating Bucklin & McCormack: Shannon Ragonesi (M)
Keller Rohrback: John Mellen (A & M), Rob Crichton (A)
Kelly & Associates: Roger S. Kohn (M)
Kennedy, Harris, Miller & Jones, P.S.:
Bradley B. Jones (M)
Kennedy, Walker (Salt Lake City, Utah) (A
& M)
Kerruish, David S. (M)
Kindley, Roger J. (M)
King County Properties Services Division:
David Preugschat (M)
King, Philip M. (M)
Kirkpatrick & Lockhart Preston Gates & Ellis: Alan L. Wicks (M),
Jesse Franklin (M), Paul D. Balkan (A),
Carl P. Gilmore (M) & Susan Delanty Jones
(M), Mark F. O’Donnell (A), Janet Chung
(M), Paul E. Fogarty (M), Lance Dahl (A), Scott Osborne (A), Bart J. Freedman (M)
Knight, Sherman (M)
Lambe, Richard: (M)
Landry, Paul (Tacoma, WA): (M)
Lane, Bryan (M)
Lane Powell Spears Lubersky: Stanton Beck
(A & M), Grant Degginger (A & M), Robert L. Israel (A) Dale Kremer (M), Tammy L. Lewis (M), John R. Neeleman (M), James E. Niemer (M), Peter Sorg (M & A), David Spellman (A & M), Douglas Smith (M) & Randall P. Beighle (M), Brent L. Nourse (M)
Larson Hart & Shepherd: Kenneth Hart (A), Michael A. Larson (M)
Lasher, Holzapfel, Sperry & Ebberson:
Lisa Kokenge (M), Earl Lasher (A), Margo
T. Keller (M) & Robert J. Henry (A & M), Dean
A. Messmer (A & M), Danial D. Pharris (A)
Law Offices of Thomas L. Dickson (Tacoma,
WA): Thomas L. Dickson (M)
Law Offices of William Garcia: Bradley D. Westphal (M)
Law Offices of Riach Gese (Lynnwood, WA):
Michael P. Jacobs (A)
Law Offices of Robert Gould: Robert B.
Gould (M)
Law Offices of Emily R. Hansen: Emily R. Hansen (M)
Law Offices of James R. Ihnot (M)
Law Offices of John O. Linde (Friday
Harbor, WA): Charles Jackson (M), Mark A. Kaiman (M)
Law Offices of Phillip Miller (Lynnwood, WA): Phillip Miller (M)
Law Offices of Lawrence E. Nelson, P.S.:
Lawrence Nelson (M) & David Bailey (M)
Law Offices of Joseph Quinn (Tacoma, WA): (M)
Law Offices of James P. Richmond (Tacoma, WA): Matthew G. Johnson (M)
Law Offices of David Ruzumna: David Ruzumna (M)
Law Offices of Douglas W. Scott (Bellevue,
WA): Douglas W. Scott (M) & Michael Todd
Davis (M)
Law Office of Christon C. Skinner (Oak
Harbor, WA): Christon C. Skinner (M)
Law Offices of Gregory E. Thulin (Bellingham, WA):
Gregory E. Thulin (A)
Law Offices of Matthew W. Williams:
Kimberly Cox (A)
Law Office of R. David Ferguson, II (Coeur d'Alene, ID): R. David Ferguson, II (A)
Lawrence & Finkelstein (Seattle & Bellevue, WA):
Kerry Lawrence (A & M) & Fred Finkelstein
(A & M)
Laws, Jeffery S. (M)
Lee Smart Cook Martin & Patterson: Steven J. Jager (A), Jeffrey P. Downer (M)
Lerner, Noel (Tacoma, WA) (M)
Levy Von Beck & Associates: Sanford Levy (M), David Von Beck (A & M), Charles P. Mortimer (M)
Lewicki, Peter (M)
Linville Ursich: Lawrence Linville (M), Christian Linville (A)
Livengood, Carter, Tjossem, Fitzgerald &
Alskog: David Alskog (M), James E.
Fitzgerald (M) & David Johnston (M),Jason Burnett (M), Kevin Hansen (M), Thomas K.Windus (A), John J.White, Jr. (M)
Lofland, Gary E. (Yakima, WA) (A)
Lovejoy, J. Michael (A)
Lovik & Juhl: David Lovik (M)
Lowenberg Lopez & Hansen (Tacoma, WA): Stephen M. Hansen (A)
Lucas & Monaghan, P.C. (Miles City, MT):
Thomas M. Monaghan (M)
Lukins & Annis (Spokane, WA): Michael A.
Maurer (M) & Jed W. Morris (M)
Lund, Ilene (M)
Lyon Weigand & Gustafson, PS (Yakima, WA): Jeanie R. Tolcacher (M)
MacLean & Joseph: Merrilee A. MacLean (A)
MacPherson, James E. (M)
Madden & Crockett: J. Richard Crockett (M)
Madden, Poliak, MacDougall & Williamson:
Rodney Q. Fonda (M)
Magnuson, Robert Scott (Spokane, WA): (A)
Maher Ingels Shakotko Christensen (Tacoma, WA):
Kelly Delaat-Maher (M)
Maloney, A. Richard: (A)
Maltman Reed North Ahrens & Malnati:
Jeffrey L. Herman (M), Cresey Stewart (A)
Marston Elison (Redmond, WA): Jami K. Elison (M)
Marston & Heffernan: Terry Marston (M);
Dan Heffernan (M & A)
Martens & Ragen: Richard L. Martens (M), Scott A. Samuelson (M)
McAdams, Sklar & Marcott, P.S.: Lori M.
Marcott (M)
McCormick Dunn & Black (Spokane, WA):
John Black (A & M);Michael Bissell (A & M)
McDonough, Holland & Allen (Sacramento,
CA): William A. Lichtig (M)
McFarland, Dylan (Minneapolis, MN): (M)
McGarry, Timothy (Bellevue, WA): (A)
McGavick Graves, P.S. (Tacoma, WA):
Dennis Greenlee (A)
McGowan, James (Bellevue, WA): (M)
McInerney Baker: Paul A. Spencer (M),
Martha L. Hildebrand (M) & William
McInerney, Jr. (M)
McKay Huffington: Jean Huffington (M)
McMonagle & Associates: Daniel S.
McMonagle, Jr. (M)
McNaul Ebel Nawrot Helgren & Vance, PLLC:
Tyler B. Ellrodt (M) & Jerry McNaul (A & M)
Menely, Michelle: (M)
Merrick, Hofstedt & Lindsey: John T.
Dalton (M), Nathaniel Smith (M)
Meuleman Molleruop (Boise, ID): Geoffrey McConnell (A)
Meyers, Charles L. (M)
Miller Nash, LLP: Andy Salter (A), James Jordan (M)
Miller, Terry E. (Kennewick, WA) (A & M)
Mills Meyers Swartling: Larry Mills (M) &
James A. Miller (M), Frederick M. Meyers, Bruce Winchell & Stephania Camp Denton (A)
Miracle Pruzan Pruzan & Baker: Howard P.
Pruzan;Steven Pruzan (A & M)
Mirsepasy, Jeffrey C. (M)
Mitchell Lang & Smith: Matthew T. Boyle (M)
Moberg Law Firm (Moses Lake, WA): Harold
J. Moberg (M)
Moffatt, Thomas, Barrett, Rock & Fields
(Boise, ID): Stephen R. Thomas (M)
Monahan & Biagi: John Compatore (A)
Montgomery, Purdue, Blankinship & Austin:
Wayne Blair (A), George Akers (M), Scott
Easter (A & M), Jerry Spoonemore (M),
Donald Morrison(M), Michael E.Gossler (M), Michael Babcock (A & M)
Moreland, Douglas H.: (A)
Mosler Schermer Wallstrom Irons & Scruggs:James Schermer (A & M);
Paul A. Wallstrom (M); Steven R. Loitz (M)
Moulton, Bellingham, Longo & Mather, P.C. (Billings, MT): Gerald B. Murphy (M) & Brad H. Anderson (M)
Murray Dunham & Murray: Frank Cornelius (M), Michael K. Taylor (A)
Myers & Parker PLLC: Jeffrey T. Parker (M)
Nationwide Insurance (Bellevue, WA): Tom
Budnick (M)
Nethercutt & Hayward: Thomas S. Hayward(A)
Neubauer & Hunsinger: Michael Hunsinger(M)
Nickum, George C., Jr. (M)
O’Brien & Associates,Inc. P.S.:
John L. O’Brien (A)
O'Brien Law Firm: John L. O’Brien (A)
O’Conner, John P. (Tacoma, WA) (A)
Ogden Murphy Wallace,PLLC: James Haney(M), Phillip C. Raymond (A)
Oles, Morrison Rinker & Baker LLP: Sam E.
Baker, Jr. (A & M), Jon G. Hongladarom
(M), Seth Morrison (A & M), Bradley L.
Powell (M), Bruce Rinker (A & M), Gregory
Guedel (M), Michael Schestopol (M) & John
Lukjanowicz (A), Thomas R. Krider (M),
Arthur D. McGarry (A), Peter N. Ralston (A)
Jason Wandler (A), Todd Henry (M & A), Diane Utz (A)
Olwell, David H. (A & M)
O’Rourke, John C. (M)
Ordal, Robert: (M)
Osborn Smith: Theodore R. Parry (A & M),
Simeon J. Osborn (A)
Oseran, Hahn, Van Valin & Watts (Bellevue,
WA): Charles E. Watts (M) & Robert C.
Kelley (M), James H. Clark (M & A)
O’Shea Barnard Martin: David T. Hasbrook (M); Kristen Olson (M)
Pepple, Johnson, Cantu & Schmidt: Jackson
Schmidt (A & M)
Perkins, Dennis J. (Bellevue, WA) (M)
Perkins Coie: Richard Prentke (A & M),
Harry Schneider, Jr. (M), Kathleen
O’Sullivan (M), Brent Snyder (M), Sheree Carson (M)
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Avoid driving or operating machinery until you know how kratom will affect you.
Kratom can decrease your inhibitions. This lead to reckless/dangerous behavior.
How is kratom stored?
Kratom is dried and crushed stored in light-proof containers. Do not store this product in temperatures above 105 F.
Kratom can be exposed to heat and light. Store in a cool, dry place at the lowest possible temperature until ready to drink. Store tightly closed at all times. Kratom suhagra 50 mg benefits has been reported to break down with heat and light could cause death from an overdose.
Keep this and all other medicines out of reach children. Kratom and all other medicines have the potential to cause serious side effects. Although these risks have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in animals, there may be increased risk for serious toxicity in people with health problems caused by these medicines.
What other drugs could interact with kratom?
Serious side effects or withdrawal signs may occur in people using kratom with prescription medicines, other narcotics, stimulants or sedatives.
Kratom and caffeine may increase the risk of heart attacks. Tell your physician if you have heart problems or if you are being treated for diabetes, high blood pressure, a Kmart pharmacy generic drug prices family history of sudden death, stroke, or any other risk factors for heart attack or stroke.
There may be an increased risk of infection when using kratom with HIV medicines and other that contain HIV. If you take HIV medicines, ask your doctor or pharmacist about how to lower your risk of infection before taking this medication.
What are the most important precautions ashtons pharmacy online ordering when taking kratom?
Always follow the directions given to you by your doctor or other healthcare providers. Never take kratom if you have not used it for at least two weeks. Never stop taking kratom without talking to your healthcare provider.
Tell your doctor if you have heart.
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Perry Hiscock: Max N. Peabody (M)
Peterson Russell Kelly (Bellevue, WA):
Joseph C. Calmes (M), David C. Kelly (M)
Peterson Young Putra Fletcher Zeder
Massong & Knopp: Brian Putra (A)
Phillabaum, Ledlin & Matthews (Spokane,
WA): Sheryl S. Phillabaum (M)
Pierce County Prosecutor's Office (Civil Division) (Tacoma, WA): John F. Salmon III (M & A)
Pino & Associates (White Plaines, NY):
Lawrence Keane (M)
Plonske, William J. (Moses Lake, WA): (A)
Polito, John (M)
Poole, Jeffrey G. (M)
Port of Seattle General Counsel: Isabel
Safora (M)
Port of Tacoma: Robert Goodstein, Ralph
Close (M)
Powell, David E. (M)
Preg O'Donnell Sargeant & Gillett, PLLC:
Eileen I. McKillop (A)
Preston Gates & Ellis: Alan L. Wicks (M),
Jesse Franklin (M), Paul D. Balkan (A),
Carl P. Gilmore (M) & Susan Delanty Jones
(M), Mark F. O’Donnell (A), Janet Chung
(M), Paul E. Fogarty (M), Lance Dahl (A & M), Scott Osborne (A)
Preston Gates & Ellis (Spokane, WA):
John Nelson (M)
Price, John G. (M)
Public Disclosure Commission (Olympia, WA): Linda A. Dalton (M), H. Bruce Marvin
Puckett, Joseph (M)
Radley, Ross (M)
Randall Blake & Cox (Lewiston, ID): David Risley (A)
Reinhard, Robert D. (Tacoma, WA) (M)
Reliance Insurance Co.: Rick Leveques (M)
Reed Longyear Malnati & Ahrens & West: Jim Jackson (M), Michael Longyear (M), Jennifer Merkel (M), Barbara West (M), Frank Hong (M), John R. Vaughey (M)
Reed McClure: Jack Rankin (M), Watt
Taylor (M), John P. Erlick (M) & George S.
Treperinas (M), Marilee Erickson (M)
Rees, Lee (M)
Riach, Gese, Seather & Watts (Lynnwood,
WA): John P. Watts (M) & Michael P.
Jacobs (A & M)
Richter-Wimberly (Spokane, WA): Frederic
G. Francher (M)
Ripley, Lee (M)
Robert B. Gould: (M & A)
Roberts, Richard P. (A)
Robertson, Phillips & Knight (Bellevue,
WA): Dean Robertson (M)
Rodgers & Deutsch: Daryl A. Deutsch (M) &
John P. Turner (M)
Rodgers, Michael S. (M)
Romero & Montague, PS: Troy H. Romero (M)
Justin Park (M)
Rosenman & Colin, LLP (New York, NY):
Franklin F. Bass (M)
Ross & Taylor: Steven R. Loitz (A & M) &
C. David Taylor (M)
Ross Williamson Loitz: Steven R. Loitz
(M), Leonard M. Angus (A),Bill Williamson (A)
Michael D. Ross (A)
Routh Crabtree Olsen (Bellevue, WA): Steven Linkon (M)
Roy & Roy (Yakima, WA): Ted Roy (A)
Russell, Robie G. (M)
Ryan Driessen & Small (Tacoma, WA): Sarah L. Small (M)
Ryan Swanson & Cleveland: Susan R. Fox
(M), Robert Curran (A & M), John T. Petrie
(A) & Michael Fleming (A), Roger Kindley (M)
Safeco Insurance Company (Seattle) - Law
Offices: Ken LeMaster, V.P. & general
counsel (M); Peter Marchel (M)
Salmi & Gillaspy (Kirkland, WA): Betsy Gillaspy (M)
Sampson, Sue (Renton, WA): (M)
Sanger, Matthew (Spokane, WA): (M)
San Juan County Prosecuting Attorney's
Office (Friday Harbor, WA): John T. Krall
Schwabe, Williamson, Ferguson & Burdell:
Bill Moore (M), Alan Bornstein (M), Guy
Stephenson (M) & Thomas Donahue, Jr. (M)
Schwabe, Williamson & Wyatt (Portland,
OR): Guy Stephenson (M)
Schwabe, Williamson & Wyatt (Seattle, WA):
Vincent Lombardi (M), Dennis J. Dunphy (M)
Schiffrin, Olson Schlemlein & Hopkins: Robert L. Olson (A), Garth Schlemlein (M), Theresa A. Goetz (M)
Schwartz Semerdjian Haile Ballard & Cauley (San Diego, CA): Dick A. Semerdjian (M), Sierra J. Spitzer (M)
Scott, Douglas W. (M)
Scott, Terry (A)
Seattle City Attorney's Office: Steven L.
Gross (M)
Seifer Yeats Mills & Zwierzynski
(Portland, OR): Rodney R. Mills (M)
Seligmann,Beckerman & Flaherty:
Griffith Flaherty (M & A)
Sessions, Richard L. (M)
Shafer, Moen & Bryan: Steve Paul Moen (A)
Short, Cressman & Burgess: David Koopmans; John Ahlers (M&A);
(A), Margaret Easton (M), Scott A. Smith
(M) & Paul R. Cressman, Jr. (A & M),Vincent Lombardi (M),
Andrew W. Maron (M), Anne-Marie E. Sargent (A); James Oliver (M)
Shulkin Hutton, Inc., P.S.: Jerome
Shulkin (M) & J. Todd Tracy (M)
Siderius & Lonergan: Frank R. Siderius(M)
Sifferman, Robert M. (Bellevue, WA) (M)
Simburg, Ketter, Sheppard & Purdy, P.S.:
Kenneth A. Sheppard (M), Mark V. Jordan
(M) & George Purdy (M), Melvyn J. Simburg
(A & M), Emily Johnson (M)
Simmons, William: (M)
Sinsheimer & Meltzer: Ronald J. Meltzer (M)
Sirianni & Youtz: Stephen J. Sirianni (M)
& Ann Merryfield (M)
Skidmore, Henry L. (Bellevue, WA) (A)
Skinner Law Offices: Sandra D. Owen (M)
Smith Cannon & Bond (Lewiston, ID): Roderick C. Bond (A)
Smith, David Joseph (Kirkland, WA) (M)
Smith & Leary, P.L.L.C.:
James A. Smith (A)
Smith Smart, PLLC: David Hancock (A & M)
Smyth & Mason: Jeffery A. Smyth (A), Erin Howshar (A)
Snell, William N. (M)
Snohomish County Prosecuting Attorney's Office (Everett,WA): Hillary J. Evans (M), Justin W. Kasting (M)
Snook & Bolton: Edwin J. Snook (M)
Sonkin & Klein: Irving Sonkin (A) &
Robert S. Klein (A)
Sonnenschein Law Firm (San Francisco, CA):
Mark Ross (M)
Sorrel & Tall, Inc., P.S.: Joseph P. Tall (A)
Sound Transit: Loren Armstrong (M)
St. Paul Fire & Marine Ins. Co. (Seattle):
Donna Young (M)
Stafford Frey Cooper: James P. Wagner
(M), Kenneth Hobbs (M) & Thomas M.
Fitzpatrick (A)
State of Washington Attorney Generals’ Office: Carrie Brashaw (M)
Stanislaw, Ashbaugh, Riper, Peters & Beal:
Richard Stanislaw (A & M), Robert Marconi
(M & A), Richard Skalbania (A), Michael
Zoretic (M), Juliane Rossiter (M),
Michael Suga (M), John S. Riper (A), Gregory Harper (A), Michael Gustafson (M), Jesse D. Miller (A), Tymon Berger (A), Christopher Wright (A), Mark Rosencrantz (M)
Steinberg & Steinberg: Quentin Steinberg
(A & M)
Stephen P. Connor, P.L.L.C.:
Stephen Connor (A)
Stern, Marc S. (M)
Stewart Sokol & Gray (Portland, OR): John
Spencer Stewart (A & M), Jan Sokol (M),
Thomas A. Larkin (M), Angela Otto (A)
Stoel Rives LLP (Portland, OR & Seattle, WA): Leta
Gorman (A), Guy A. Randles (A),
Paul Buchanan (A), Eric Grasberger (A), John Glowney (M), Andrew Guy (M), Darcie Durr (M)
Stroupe, C. Bartlette (M)
Sullivan & Thoreson: Kevin Sullivan (M) &
Lloyd G. Edwards (M), Phillip L. Thoreson
Suttell & Associates: William Suttell (M), Karen Hammer (M)
Swigart & Stump (Auburn, WA): Keith Stump (M)
Syria Law Offices: Ronald D. Syria (A & M)
Talmadge, Philip (A)
Tamaki Law (Yakima, WA): Bryan Smith (M)
Taylor Hayward (Vancouver, B.C.): David
J. Taylor (A)
Taylor, Robert G. (Kirkland, WA) (M)
The Prudential Insurance Company of
American (Van Nuys, CA): Ann Cameron
Neumann (M)
Tingvall, Douglas S. (Kirkland, WA) (M)
The Triad Law Group (Edmonds, WA): Charles M. Greenberg (M); Ulysses S. Jones (A & M)
Todd & Wakefield: Stephan M. Todd (M); Mark Thompson (A)
Tousley Brain Stephens: Christopher Brain (A & M), Kimberly Kernan (M),
Rebecca McIntyre (M), Diedre Glynn Levin
(M) & Deborah A. Knapp (M), Paul W. Moomaw (M), Chase Alvord (A)
Tran, Khanh C. (A)
Traywick, Kevin (M)
Treece Richdale Law Firm: Thomas Malone (M)
Tyler, Paul (M)
Ulin & Lambe: Dale Ulin (M)
University of Idaho: See Hawley Troxell, Boise, ID.
University of Idaho General Counsel
Moscow, ID.
Vandeberg, Johnson & Gandara: John A.
Holms (A & M), Daniel Gandara (M) & Darrel
B. Addington (M), James C. Fowler (M)
Vance, Romero & Montague, P.S.: H. Troy
Romero (M), Michael Treger (M)
Velikanje Law Firm (Yakima, WA): Brendan Monahan (A & M)
Walsh, James R. (Lynnwood, WA) (M)
Walsh, John P. (A)
Warren & Duggan, P.L.L.C.:
Michael Warren (A & M)
Washington State Dept. of Fish & Wildlife
Weckworth & Knutsen (Bellevue, WA):
Virginia Leeper (M)
Weinrich & Associates: Bert H. Weinrich
Weiss, J. Mark (M)
Wershow & Ritter: Dan Wershow (M); Ed Ritter (M)
Weissinger, William J. (Friday Harbor): (A & M)
Westphalen, Mimi M. (Friday Harbor): (A)
Whalen Firestone Landsman Fleming Dixon &
Matson: William L. Fleming (M)
Wieberg, Brett (Tacoma) (M)
Williams, Kastner & Gibbs: David L.
Ribble (M), Darren A. Feider (M) & Matthew
Green & Arley Harrel (A & M);Scott Henrie (M), Dana Ferestien (A)
Williamson, Bill H. (A & M)
Williamson, Robert P. (Mill Creek, WA) (A)
Willie, Karen (M)
Wilson Smith Cochran & Dickerson: Shilpa A. Bhatia (A)
Winston & Cashatt (Spokane, WA): Patrick
A. Sullivan (A & M) & Lynden Rasmussen
(A & M)
Witherspoon Kelly Davenport & Toole
(Spokane, WA): Jeffrey L. Supinger (M) &
Thomas D. Cochran (M)
The Wolfe Firm: Robert C. Levin (M)
Wolfstone, Panchot & Bloch, P.S., Inc.:
Bradley S. Wolf (M), Dudley Panchot (M)
Wright & Associates, PS: Gregory S. Wright
Wyatt, Tarrant & Combs (Covington, KY):
Carolyn A. Potter (M)
Young, deNormandie & Oscarsson, P.C.:
John Young (A), Karien Baluff (M)
Younglove & Coker (Olympia,WA): Christopher J. Coker (A)
Yusen & Friedrich: Alex Friedrich (M)
Zeno Drake & Hively: Leslie Drake (M)
Zylstra Beeksma & Waller, P.L.L.C. (Oak
Harbor, WA): Ted D. Zylstra (M)
REV 02/10